Dr. Akhilesh Rai has received the Best Poster Award at the Nano2016.pt Symposium!!!

The best poster prize (for biocompatible antimicrobial peptide conjugated gold nanoparticles with antimicrobial efficacy in a systemic infection model) in “III Simpósio de Nanociência e Nanotecnologia Biomédica-Nano2016.pt”, held on April 15th, 2016 at Lisbon, has been awarded to our group member Dr. Akhilesh Rai.


Nano2016.pt gathered scientists, which are interested in nanotechnology and nanoscience fields, from all over the world, with the chance of an overlook of contemporary sciences, beyond their own field of research. Together with Dr. Lino Ferreira and Dr. Akhilesh Rai, other members of the group as Dr. Adrián Jiménez and Miguel Lino participated in the Symposium.

By | 2017-03-19T22:56:23+00:00 April 20th, 2016|Publications|0 Comments