News 2017-03-19T23:19:51+00:00

Biotechnology course

By | February 8th, 2019|Categories: Public Outreach, Uncategorized|

Hugo Fernandes organized a biotechnology course in IEC (instituto de Educação e Cidadania) for high school students. This course is focused on advanced therapies with application in Biomedicine, covering several topics such as, regenerative medicine, [...]

Science dissemination

By | January 30th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Miguel Lino was interviewed by RFI, an international radio broadcaster. The interview was focused on our nanotechnology platform for the remote controlled release of microRNAs, recently published in ACS Nano. The interview can be listened [...]

NanoGateway Winter School

By | January 20th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Lino Ferreira participated in the NanoGateway Winter School in Braga with a talk focused on triggerable biomaterials for regenerative medicine. The NanoGateway is a project co-funded under the Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal Cooperation Programme and is [...]

Open position

By | November 16th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

Open position for a PhD student in the NANOSTEM Initial Training Network (Marie Skłodowska-Curie-ITN) http://www.eracareers.pt/opportunities/index.aspx?task=global&jobId=106205

Science dissemination

By | October 21st, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

Our research work, recently published in ACS Nano, has received the attention of several news agencies websites, reaching now a broader audience. http://noticias.uc.pt/universo-uc/nanoparticulas-com-controlo-remoto-por-laser-aumentam-o-sucesso-de-celulas-transplantadas/ https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/lifestyle/1102222/controlo-remoto-por-laser-leva-ao-sucesso-de-celulas-transplantadas https://sicnoticias.sapo.pt/pais/2018-10-18-Nanoparticulas-com-controlo-remoto-por-laser-aumentam-sucesso-de-celulas-transplantadas

Bob Langer 70th birthday celebration

By | September 10th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

September 7-9, 2018- Cambridge, MA Bob Langer is the most cited engineer in history and one of the ten most cited individuals in history. He directs the largest biomedical engineering lab in the world. During [...]

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